We wanted to make a moment to acknowledge the spread of COVID-19 around the world; it now affects us all.
While no members of the National Transmission team are diagnosed with COVID-19, please read about what our company is doing to protect both our employees/team and our customers.
Measures within National Transmission:
- All surfaces our technicians touch in a customer vehicle are wiped down and sanitized to the best of our ability. This includes the steering wheel and shifter knob.
- Any personnel who do not need to work at our offices will be working remotely.
- We’ve asked all staff to use (paid) work-time to complete this self-assessment tool.
- We’ve trained and communicated with our staff the importance of the following:
- Staying home and isolating should they have any flu or COVID-19 symptoms (“don’t risk it” policy).
- Limiting physical contact with others
- Using tissues to cough or sneeze into and immediately putting it into a garbage with a lid.
- We have conducted a thorough office clean, sanitizing workstations, mice, keyboards, and traditional/mobile phones.
- This will continue to be reinforced on a daily basis.
- We have strongly suggested that no hand-shakes, fist-bumps, or elbow taps are recommended. A wave or smile is sufficient.
These measures will be revised, as needed, based on information provided by Health Canada and other accredited institutions.
We take these measures to protect our customers, ourselves, and our local community.
Thank you,
The National Transmission Team in Calgary, Lethbridge, and Medicine Hat.